Accelerating Global Energy Transition with H2Fuel
H2CIF, with the highest energy density among hydrogen alternatives, binds hydrogen to a salt. Its patented, energy-efficient process doubles stored hydrogen. The fuel can be recycled for reuse as a hydrogen carrier after hydrogen release.
H2Fuel’s hydrogen carrier is a salt at ambient conditions – its solid hydrogen can be transported and stored (dry) at atmospheric conditions
High Energy
H2Fuel’s hydrogen carrier has almost the same energy density as diesel
Easy Storage
H2Fuel’s hydrogen carrier can be stored short and long time without complex storage requirements and no degradation or loss of hydrogen
Easy Transport
H2Fuel’s hydrogen carrier enables large scale transportation of hydrogen. Its powder can be shipped, stored and distributed at relatively low cost in bulk using existing infrastructure like offshore bulk or container carriers, inshore shipping, train or road transport
Safe / Non-explosive
Captured in H2Fuel’s hydrogen carrier, the hydrogen is not flammable or explosive
No Evaporation
H2Fuel’s hydrogen carrier has the benefit of not being subject to natural evaporation (boil-off gas) as would be the case with transportation of liquid or pressurised hydrogen. Kept dry, H2Fuel releases no hydrogen until controlled usage
Exothermic Release
H2Fuel’s patented release process requires no additional energy and results in a direct and full hydrogen release
Release Bonus
H2Fuel’s patented release process not only produces double the amount of hydrogen originally stored in its powder, but also heat
Ready for Use
Hydrogen can be released at end-user’s location using H2Fuel’s patented process and will be immediately ready for use
High Purity
The released hydrogen from H2Fuel’s hydrogen carrier has a purity of 99.8%
H2Fuel’s hydrogen carrier is circular as its spent fuel is returned to the location of origination and regenerated there
Low Energy Price
H2Fuel can be produced anywhere in the world benefitting from cheap and/or excessive green energy at any scale
Quick and Easy Implementation
H2Fuel’s full cycle technology is based on proven technology and quick to implement at low cost
Key to Global Energy Transition
H2Fuel is the fastest, easiest and cheapest way to achieve the energy transition

H2CIF solves Hydrogen problems
H2CIF is a new development to solve Hydrogen hydrogen-related challenges
Our hydrogen solutions
Virtually absent costs for transportation and distribution
Compared to liquid hydrogen and ammonia
The most competitive option
Whenever there are no hydrogen pipelines in place
~85% lower long-term storage cost
Compared to gaseous hydrogen
Short term storage (“firming”) is cheaper than alternatives
Whenever the end user is not connected to a pipeline (nor close to cheap renewables)
2-3x higher energy density compared to other carriers
and almost similar to that of diesel
Not flammable, not corrosive, not toxic
Hence requiring less safety considerations than alternative carriers
Comes in a powder form
As easy to transport and store as grain

stable hydrogen carrier
Non-flammable, non-explosive, non-toxic
no losses
No regulatory restrictions
related to handiling and storage in residential areas
No limitations
for handling in ports and in-land distribution